For many dog owners, it’s hard to resist puppy eyes at the dinner table begging for a tasty human-food treat. While there are plenty of snacks safe for dogs, there are many that aren’t. This is because dogs digest their food differently than we do. Some fruits and veggies are okay for dogs to eat, but they are mostly omnivores, which means meat is the most important factor in their diet. Read more to find out which vegetables are safe for dogs, and which aren’t.
Vegetables Dogs Can Eat
Can dogs eat broccoli?
Broccoli is safe for dogs to eat. Broccoli is high in fiber and vitamin C. It is also a good low-fat option. However, it is best in small quantities because it is known to cause the occasional obstruction in the esophagus. It can also cause gastric irritation in some dogs.

Can dogs eat carrots?
Yes, dogs can eat carrots. They are a great low calorie snack. Carrots are high in fiber and vitamin A. The crunchiness is also amazing for keeping your dog’s teeth clean. (To learn more about your dog’s dental hygiene, click here).

Can dogs eat celery?
Yes! Celery is great for dogs because it contains nutrients for fighting heart disease and cancer. It is also known to freshen up smelly doggy breath.
Can dogs eat corn?
While it is safe for dogs to eat corn, it should be eaten in moderation and in small amounts. Corn is already present in lots of dog food, so it’s very likely corn is already part of your dog’s diet.
Can dogs eat sweet potatoes?
Sweet potatoes are very good for your dog! They are high in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Sweet potatoes can also make a great chew if you dehydrate them!
Can dogs eat potatoes?
Dogs can only eat cooked potatoes. Raw potatoes can be toxic because they contain solanine. Now, cooked potatoes doesn’t mean that chips, french fries or mashed potatoes are okay. Any potatoes that contain oil, salt or pepper should never be given to your dog.
Can dogs eat green beans?
Yes, dogs can eat green beans. Any type of green beans are safe for dogs, whether raw or cooked. Green beans are low in calories and have many good nutrients for your furry family members. Best to stay away from salted beans though.
Can dogs eat zucchini?
Yes, dogs can have zucchini, raw or cooked, but avoid seasonings and oils. Zucchini is high in minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. Zucchini should still be served in moderation though, because it can make dogs gassy.
Can dogs eat cauliflower?
Yes! Your dog can eat cauliflower, but it’s best to serve in moderation at first because it can cause gas. Cauliflower is high in nutrients and has zero calories. It is also very high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and B6.

Can dogs eat radishes?
Radishes are a crunchy vegetable safe for dogs in moderation. They contain vitamins and minerals that are good for your dog’s digestive health.
Vegetables Dogs Can’t Eat

Can dogs eat spinach?
While you could feed your dog spinach, it’s best not to. Spinach is high in oxalic acid which can lead to kidney damage. While it may take a lot for this to happen, it’s best to just avoid spinach.
Can dogs eat mushrooms?
It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to feeding your dog mushrooms. While not all mushrooms are toxic for dogs, most of them are. With too many types of mushrooms out there, it’s best to skip mushrooms in your dog’s diet.
Can dogs eat onions?
Onions are part of a plant family called Allium which also includes chives and leeks. These can be very toxic to dogs and cats. Onions can cause your dog’s red blood cells to break, and can also cause diarrhea and vomiting.
Can dogs eat asparagus?
No, dogs should not consume asparagus. While not necessarily extremely toxic for dogs, asparagus can be too tough to be eaten raw. By the time it’s cooked, asparagus can lose all its important nutrients.
Can dogs eat pickles?
While not necessarily terrible for dogs, the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to feeding your dog pickles. There are many spices added to pickles and lots of sodium, which can prove problematic for your dog. The overload of sodium can cause excessive drinking, diarrhea, and vomiting.
One of the most important things to remember when feeding your dog permissible vegetables is to introduce them slowly. This is best for your dog so that your dog can build a tolerance and you can keep a watchful eye to ensure no bad reactions. Don’t continue to feed your dog anything that they have a reaction to, or simply refuse to eat. Consult your veterinarian immediately if your dog has any type of negative reaction.
Feeding your dog vegetables can be a great supplement to their health. Just remember that dogs are primarily omnivores, so keeping a healthy balance is best. In a dog’s case, there is such a thing as too many vegetables!
Here at Harmony Animal Hospital in Apex, NC, we are here to help answer any questions you may have about your dog’s diet or respond to any reactions your furry loved one may be having. You can contact us at: (919) 303-3456