Hospital: (919) 303-3456 • Pet Resort & Spa: (919) 323-8877

senior pet needs

Caring For A Senior Dog and Cat

Dr. Charles with one of his senior patients, Gretel. How to Help Pets Stay Happy & Healthy as They Age Pets are living longer now than they ever have before due to advanced veterinary care. But just like people, they slow down and are more likely to have health issues as they

5 Things A Senior Pet Needs

“Everything I know, I learned from dogs”. -Nora Roberts  Did you know that pets age at a different rate than humans? Calculating exactly when a pet enters their senior years can be tricky. In general, experts consider the age of 7 as the threshold into the senior years. However, large dog

Protect Your Pets at Halloween with These Handy Tips

Halloween is not always fun for the entire family, especially your furry family members. Take extra precautions to keep your fur babies safe this year as you might find that danger lurks in the shadows in more ways than one on October 31st. So how exactly do you keep your pet out of harm’s way

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