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Home/Tag: parasites

Cytopoint Injection vs. Apoquel: What’s the Best Treatment for Allergies in Pets?

Itchy dogs and cats are on the rise, but so are treatment options. According to current statistics from the American Veterinary Medical Association, pet allergies, like human allergies, have been on the rise. This means that more of our furry loved ones are doing a lot of excessive scratching— a common sign that an

Are Seresto Collars Safe For Your Pets?

An article came out in USA Today on March 3, 2021 that raised many pet owner’s concerns about the safety of Seresto flea and tick preventative collars. In an effort to keep our Harmony family informed, we are sharing the article link, as well as, addressing the issues it presented. While the information in the article

How to Keep Fleas and Ticks Off Your Pet – and Why You Should

Fleas and ticks are more than just an itchy nuisance. Left untreated, these pests can actually make your pet sick and even endanger his life. For example, fleas can cause anemia and tapeworms, as well as flea allergy dermatitis, a serious skin condition that leads to severe itching and scratching, hair loss and potential infections.

Heartworm Prevention: 6 Vital Facts

According to the American Heartworm Society, virtually 100 percent of dogs and up to 90 percent of cats exposed to mosquitoes carrying the infective larvae will become heartworm positive. Fortunately, heartworm prevention can help you protect your pet from the damage heartworms can do. Treatment of established heartworm disease is not only expensive but

What are Seasonal Pet Allergies in Dogs and Cats?

By Jodi Reed, DVM It's that time of year again when spring flowers start poking up through the still-cold ground, first buds on trees start blooming, and seasonal pet allergies start kicking in. But while their humans get stuffy noses, watery eyes, and achy heads, our pets experience a different type of reaction to

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