How did you arrive at your current position? What path brought you here?
I have always had a love for animals. During my first year of college, my now husband and I got our first dog, Lilly, who became the love of my life. At the time, I was pursuing a B.S. in Hospitality and Tourism Management. It was a broad degree and being from Orlando, Florida – the capital of tourism – and not yet having found my calling, it just made sense.
Over the next 3 years, my relationship with Lilly led to a curiosity in animal science/healthcare. An impending move to NC upon graduation, along with the realization that Hospitality and Tourism Management just wasn’t my calling, led me to Central Carolina Community College where I obtained my A.S. in Veterinary Medical Technology and then became a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT).
Harmony was the first place I brought Lilly when we moved to the area, and I just knew I would work here. I fell in love with the practice and Dr. Jodi. Three years later after I had graduated, Harmony was hiring, so I applied. And the rest is history!
What are you most passionate about professionally? What excites you most about your work and the contribution you can make?
Out of all the hats we wear as technicians, being a dental technician is by far my favorite. I love the fact that we can make such a quick/dramatic difference in animals with periodontal disease – the increased quality of life is nothing short of astounding! And for those patients receiving dental prophylaxis [cleaning procedure performed to thoroughly clean the teeth and halt the progression of any found periodontal disease and gingivitis], it’s so rewarding knowing we are adding quality years to their lives and to the relationship between our patients and clients.
So many people don’t realize animals need to have their teeth cleaned and maintained just like we do, so I love informing/educating clients of the importance of home dental care, as well as prophylactic cleanings. Knowing that good dental care is adding years of health and well-being to Lilly’s life made me pay attention and drives my passion for client education regarding oral health.
What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?
I am a huge DIYer/crafter. I have an entire bedroom dedicated to my crafts! I sew, crochet, scrapbook, paint, build things (such as furniture), and make things I find off of Pinterest! Everyone that comes over to my house says it looks like something out of Pinterest.
Who are the most important people in your life?
The most important people in my life are my husband and my two girls–Lilly the Peekapoo and Patsy the German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd mix.