Hospital: (919) 303-3456 • Pet Resort & Spa: (919) 323-8877


Our Blog

What are Seasonal Pet Allergies in Dogs and Cats?

By Jodi Reed, DVM It's that time of year again when spring flowers start poking up through the still-cold ground, first buds on trees start blooming, and seasonal pet allergies start kicking in. But while their humans get stuffy noses, watery eyes, and achy heads, our pets experience a

5 Plants Most Dangerous to Your Pet

March is Poison Awareness Month, with the third week being National Poison Prevention Week. If you’re the proud pet parent of a dog or a cat, it’s relevant to you. And if you’re taking to heart our advice to walk your dog daily, it’s vital that you learn to recognize plants that

How to Ensure Your Dog Enjoys Valentine’s Day, Too

Valentine’s Day is synonymous with hearts, flowers and—of course—chocolate. And we all want to share our joy with our furry friends. You can go ahead and share your heart as much as you like, but your dog won’t likely care much for flowers. Chocolate is a different story, however, and

OUCH! Pets Feel Pain Too

By Dr. Jodi Reed, DVM Most of us can agree that animals feel pain. However, what is more difficult to agree on is how much pain an animal is feeling. Like people, their tolerance for pain varies. For example, there are some people that are very stoic who wouldn't flinch if

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