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Pet Dental Care: How (and When) Do Cats Lose Baby Teeth?

Last Updated On October 23, 2020 Just like humans, cats have baby teeth that they lose before their permanent teeth erupt. That’s sometimes a very good thing, because kitten teeth can be extremely sharp. Even though your kitten doesn’t mean to hurt anyone, those needle-tipped teeth

7 Signs That Your Pet Needs Dental Treatment

Pets experience dental problems just like people do. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) estimates that 80% of dogs and cats older than 4 years have moderate to severe dental disease. It doesn’t have to be that way, though! Each year, the AVMA designates February

Fat Dogs: What to Do for Weight Loss

In the US, roughly 1 in 3 dogs is overweight or obese. Dogs gain weight when they eat more food than they burn off in activities. That boils down to “too many treats, not enough walks.”  Health Impact of Obesity Excess fat contributes to inflammation, and inflammation contributes to

How Do I Find Vets Near Me?

If you’ve been wondering “How can I find a great vet near me?” but coming up empty, the answer might surprise you: Google is your friend. Just Google “Vets near me,” or “Great vets near me,” or “Best vets near me.” Of course, finding “vets

Heart Murmurs: To Be Concerned Or Not?

by Dr. Jodi Reed When doing a thorough physical exam, we sometimes hear heart murmurs in pets. Often, pet parents are worried when we tell them. I want to shed some light on the subject to help navigate through the good, the bad and the ugly regarding heart murmurs.

Fat Cats: Helping Your Cat Lose Weight

A recent study about feline obesity in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery found that cats don’t like being on a diet any more than people do!  While not surprising, it is interesting to note the behavior that led to this conclusion. Cats that were switched from free

What You Should Consider When Boarding Your Pet

Traveling is always fun, but not every travel itinerary is pet friendly. If you have an upcoming trip planned, you are probably looking for a reliable place to board your furry friend while you are away. For pet owners who have never left their pets behind or even those

How to Deal with Pet Allergies in the Fall 

Have you ever suffered from a seasonal allergy? Fall weather is notoriously unpredictable and your furry family members are just as likely to suffer from fall allergies as you are. Though there is no pollen explosion during fall, pets have to contend with cooler temperatures, wind, falling leaves, and

Pet Arthritis: A Brief Guide

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a common diagnosis in dogs but also occurs quite frequently in cats. It is more common in senior pets, but can be seen in younger pets, especially if there is a history of injury or joint dysplasia. Osteoarthritis is a term describing

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