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Make Your Cat’s Vet Visits Safe and Stress-Free
Cats don’t handle stress well. Few pets do, but cats particularly like feeling as if they are “in control” of their surroundings. A visit to the veterinarian you choose is especially stressful for cats, but there are some ways you can make kitty feel a little more secure and comfortable
How Veterinary Laser Surgery Is Changing the Face of Pet Care
Veterinary laser surgery has been around for decades, but only recently it has become the go-to answer for better, faster, and easier pet health care. While there are different types of lasers out there, the CO2 laser is one of the best options available. Not only is the laser one
How to Recognize Colitis in Dogs
Colitis in dogs is a form of colon inflammation. It’s often a symptom of an underlying condition, so treatment is geared towards treating that condition rather than the colitis itself. In many cases, dogs with colitis develop chronic diarrhea. How do you recognize when your dog may have colitis versus
How to Recognize and Manage Pet Environmental Allergies
Animals suffer from environmental allergies in exactly the same way people do. In fact, dogs and cats can react just as severely as their human companions to environmental allergens – and eventually develop reactions that can go from mild to life-threatening. Environmental allergies (also known
Top Health Benefits of Pet Ownership
Adopt a pet and … get healthier? That might just turn out to be one of the most accurate statements you’ve heard in a long time. Everybody knows pets are good for you, but really what sort of health benefits of owning a pet are
How Puppy Baby Teeth Affect Your Dog’s Lifetime Dental Health
Did you know dogs have baby teeth just like humans do? And that those teeth will eventually fall out to allow permanent teeth to grow in just like us? Puppy baby teeth (formally known as deciduous teeth) are those a dog first develops, usually during the initial few weeks of
A Soothing Alternative: Is Cold Laser Therapy Right for Your Pet?
What do arthritis, a snakebite, a hot spot, and a surgical incision site all have in common? The bad news is that they are all painful situations for your furry companion to have to go through. The good news is that they can all be
Dangers of Buying Pet Medication Online
Doctors have been warning people about the dangers of online pharmacies for years, but here’s something you might not have considered: buying pet medication online can be just as dangerous as shopping for human medicine. Of course, not all online pharmacies are fakes or sell low-quality products. Unfortunately, it’s very hard
Why Animal Check Ups Are Vital for Your Furbaby
There is so much that goes into owning a pet – from the tiniest kitten to the biggest dog, and annual animal checkups are an essential part of keeping your pet healthy and happy. Let your vet help you provide the best care for each one of your fur-babies! Know what
Why CO2 Laser Surgery Is Great for Pets
CO2 laser surgery is one of the newest forms of technology available to veterinarians. Designed especially for soft tissue surgery, the CO2 laser offers many benefits over traditional surgery and tools.