Welcome to Harmony Animal Hospital!

Dental Medical Treatment Plan Disclaimer

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    Thank you for entrusting your furry baby to us, we give you our promise to treat your pet as if they were our own. Today you have given us the privilege to care for and improve the quality of your pet’s life. Ultimately, we have agreed that your pet has significant dental disease that warrants a professional dental cleaning under anesthesia. Our goal is to provide you with an accurate estimate regarding this procedure. However, it is not always possible to predict the extent of oral disease in your pet’s mouth when they are awake. While your pet is under anesthesia we always perform a thorough and complete oral exam including scaling the tartar and calculus off the surface of the teeth and under the gum line, probing for periodontal pockets around all teeth, assessing the mobility of each tooth, examining all surfaces of every tooth, looking for evidence of infection, and identifying fractures, resorptive lesions, and cavities that we otherwise cannot see with an awake animal. If it is determined that your pet has more extensive dental disease than anticipated based on a thorough oral exam and dental radiographs, additional treatments including but not limited to extractions, Doxirobe antibiotic gel, bonded sealant, or gingival hyperplasia resectioning may be recommended to alleviate the pain and disease present in your pet’s mouth. The most common additional costs that may be incurred are as follows:
    • Base Fee for Oral Surgery: $250-$350+ (includes oral nerve block, extraction supplies, additional anesthesia time/monitoring, post-operative therapy laser treatment) = *this base fee is required for the vast majority of extractions/gingival hyperplasia resectioning*
    • Tooth Extraction Fee: This entails completely removing the diseased tooth from the mouth. Costs range from $20 (basic simple single-rooted incisor) to $150 (complicated 3-rooted upper premolar) per tooth.
    • Bonded Sealant: This process repairs minor surface enamel fractures/wearing to prevent exposure of the sensitive pulp chamber, and costs roughly $75 per tooth
    • Doxirobe Application: This is an antibiotic gel that can be used to treat moderate periodontal “pocketing” around the roots of a tooth and potentially delay extraction of a tooth or teeth. This costs between $40-$85 (based on # of teeth requiring treatment)
    • Hyperplasia Resectioning: This is the removal of excess gingival/gum tissue from the mouth to prevent/treat infection, tooth malpositioning, and discomfort. Cost is $100-$200 (based on severity)
      Your pet may require all, some, or none of the above treatments. There can also be additional costs involved with the above procedures that include additional anesthesia, histopathology (in the case of discovery of any oral masses or tumors), and additional medications used to treat infection and pain. It is our priority to make you fully informed that these additional services will only be recommended if deemed necessary for the comfort, health, and wellness of your pet. The additional services can range from a minimal increase in your estimate to significant changes upward of hundreds, and in extreme cases, over a thousand dollars. We obviously do not want to call you with any surprises, but unfortunately, we are often unable to determine the extent of your pet’s oral disease until they are fully anesthetized. We will always call you to keep you informed of any findings and will present all the possible options and additional charges for the recommended treatment plan. As a valued client, you always have the right to decline or delay the additional recommended services, however, as your pet’s veterinary team we feel obligated to provide you with all of the risks and benefits to approving the treatment plan vs. declining or delaying the treatments. Again, it is not our intent or objective to provide inaccurate estimates, we are only trying to prepare you in the event your pet has more advanced disease than we could reasonably anticipate. Please feel free to ask any questions so we may address any concerns you have prior to the procedure.
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