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Vet’s Corner Articles

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Understanding Canine and Feline Immunizations

Regular vaccinations are one of the most important (and easiest) parts of preventive care that may contribute to a long, healthy life for your furbaby. With a comprehensive animal wellness program that includes an appropriate pet vaccination schedule, your dog or cat can avoid serious or life–threatening illnesses. How Vaccines Work Vaccines help prepare the body's immune

Heartworms in Dogs and Cats

Heartworm is a parasite that all dog and cat owners have to be concerned about. Heartworm infections and heartworm disease are endemic amongst dogs in North Carolina, meaning that they are a widespread and ongoing health concern. Though cats are infected less often than dogs, when they are infected it is most often fatal, so

What are Seasonal Pet Allergies in Dogs and Cats?

By Jodi Reed, DVM It's that time of year again when spring flowers start poking up through the still-cold ground, first buds on trees start blooming, and seasonal pet allergies start kicking in. But while their humans get stuffy noses, watery eyes, and achy heads, our pets experience a different type of reaction to

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