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Vet’s Corner Articles

Summer Safety for Pets

Ah, summer! Time for beaches, barbecues, and basking in the sun. As much as we love the warm weather, it can pose serious risks to our pets. From dehydration to heatstroke, the dangers are real. In this blog, we’ll dive into summer safety to keep your pets safe and cool as the temperature climbs.

The Risks of Summer Heat Stroke for Your Pets

As the days grow longer and warmer, summer promises plenty of outdoor fun like swimming, backyard barbecues, and sports. But it’s also the season to remember our pets’ needs with the rising temperatures. Just as we seek relief in the cool confines of air-conditioned indoors, it's crucial to protect our fur babies from the

Heart Murmurs: To Be Concerned Or Not?

by Dr. Jodi Reed When doing a thorough physical exam, we sometimes hear heart murmurs in pets. Often, pet parents are worried when we tell them. I want to shed some light on the subject to help navigate through the good, the bad and the ugly regarding heart murmurs. Hearing a heart murmur is

8 Facts About Flea and Tick Prevention at Home

As the weather heats up, we become more aware of fleas and ticks. Most of us know how important it is to protect ourselves and our furry friends from these dastardly devils, but here are 8 facts about parasites you might not be aware of. Fact #1: Fleas and Ticks Spread Disease Fleas and ticks

June is “Adopt a Shelter Cat” Month

By Elise Hattingh, DVM The summer forecast at the ASPCA is cats, cats and more cats! Monday, June 1, kicks off Adopt a Shelter Cat Month and marks the height of kitten season, the time of year when felines breed.  This time of year, shelters across the country get a major influx of homeless

Pet Poisoning: It CAN Happen to You!

By Jodi Reed, DVM If there’s one thing I can say about every single case of pet poisoning I’ve treated, it’s that the owners of the pet were responsible, caring, careful people that never imagined they’d ever need to seek treatment for poisoning. It's a pet owner’s worst nightmare: arriving home to an empty bag

When It’s Okay to Say “Goodbye”

By Dr. Elise Hattingh At some point every pet owner will ask themselves, “is it time to say goodbye?” Depending on the circumstances, this decision may be one of the most difficult that you will make for your pet.  There are no rules or charts that will make this decision any easier.  However, there are

Pets as Gifts – A Nice Idea Gone Wrong

By Jodi Reed, DVM The idea of giving a friend or loved one a cute puppy, kitty, or other pet may seem enticing. After all, there are loads of movies where a new furry friend comes to the family with a bow around her neck, wagging and happy to join the crew for a

Pet Medications – Important Information You Should Know!

By Dr. Jodi Reed, DVM While there are thousands of medications for humans to help cure whatever ails them, there are almost as many for our pets! It is important to understand that all medications can have side effects and interactions with other drugs, so it's critical that before giving your cat or dog any medication you

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