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Pet Medical Care

Understanding Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) in Dogs

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus, commonly known as GDV or bloat, is a severe medical condition in dogs that can affect dogs and becomes life-threatening very quickly. Recognizing the signs early and immediately getting your dog to veterinary care can save their life. What is GDV in Dogs? GDV occurs when a dog’s stomach fills

Laparoscopic Spay vs Traditional Spay

LOVE Spay: There’s a New Spay in Town and Everybody’s Talking When spaying your female pet, you can choose between a Laparoscopic Ovariectomy (LOVE) spay and a traditional one. Both procedures aim to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the risk of specific health issues. Still, LOVE spays are a less painful alternative

What to Do for a Dog with A Broken Leg

In this blog: How to Tell If a Dog Has a Broken Leg Types of Broken Bones in Dogs Causes of Broken Legs in Dogs What to Do If You Think Your Dog Has a Broken Leg Transporting Your Injured Dog Treatment for Dogs With Broken Legs

OUCH! Pets Feel Pain Too

By Dr. Jodi Reed, DVM Most of us can agree that animals feel pain. However, what is more difficult to agree on is how much pain an animal is feeling. Like people, their tolerance for pain varies. For example, there are some people that are very stoic who wouldn't flinch if you poked them with a sharp

How Veterinary Laser Surgery Is Changing the Face of Pet Care

Veterinary laser surgery has been around for decades, but only recently it has become the go-to answer for better, faster, and easier pet health care. While there are different types of lasers out there, the CO2 laser is one of the best options available. Not only is the laser one of the most accurate available

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