Hospital: (919) 303-3456 • Pet Resort & Spa: (919) 323-8877

Pet Health Problems

Understanding Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) in Dogs

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus, commonly known as GDV or bloat, is a severe medical condition in dogs that can affect dogs and becomes life-threatening very quickly. Recognizing the signs early and immediately getting your dog to veterinary care can save their life. What is GDV in Dogs? GDV occurs when a dog’s stomach fills

How to Tell If My Dog Has Allergies

Can dogs have allergies? The answer is yes. Like humans, allergies can be a problem and cause quite a bit of discomfort for dogs. Since dogs can't say what's wrong, it's up to pet parents to look for the signs of allergies. So just how can you tell if your dog has allergies?

What Dog Owners Need to Know About Kennel Cough

Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, & Prevention of this Canine Respiratory Infection Much like a common cold in humans, kennel cough (AKA canine infectious tracheobronchitis) is caused by an airborne virus. It causes the trachea and bronchi to become inflamed making for a potentially congested and coughing pup, hence the name.  This fairly

Fat Dogs: What to Do for Weight Loss

In the US, roughly 1 in 3 dogs is overweight or obese. Dogs gain weight when they eat more food than they burn off in activities. That boils down to “too many treats, not enough walks.”  Health Impact of Obesity Excess fat contributes to inflammation, and inflammation contributes to health problems in dogs just

8 Facts About Flea and Tick Prevention at Home

As the weather heats up, we become more aware of fleas and ticks. Most of us know how important it is to protect ourselves and our furry friends from these dastardly devils, but here are 8 facts about parasites you might not be aware of. Fact #1: Fleas and Ticks Spread Disease Fleas and ticks

How to Keep Fleas and Ticks Off Your Pet – and Why You Should

Fleas and ticks are more than just an itchy nuisance. Left untreated, these pests can actually make your pet sick and even endanger his life. For example, fleas can cause anemia and tapeworms, as well as flea allergy dermatitis, a serious skin condition that leads to severe itching and scratching, hair loss and potential infections.

Benefits of Walking Your Dog and Why Fido Needs One

Having furry friends is a lot of fun, but it’s also a lot of responsibility. If you’re a dog owner and you're looking for ways to improve your fur-baby’s health (both mental and physical), taking daily walks is a great way to tune up your relationship, learn new things, and bond with that special

A Treat-Free Festive Season Can Help Reduce Your Dog’s Pancreatitis Risk

With Christmas and New Year just a few days away, you’re probably planning your festive season down to the last detail. And whether you’re going away or staying home, if your pets are going to celebrate with you, it’s essential that you plan their menu as carefully as your own. Pancreatitis in dogs is a

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