Hospital: (919) 303-3456 • Pet Resort & Spa: (919) 323-8877

Heartworm prevention

Heartworm Prevention: 6 Vital Facts

According to the American Heartworm Society, virtually 100 percent of dogs and up to 90 percent of cats exposed to mosquitoes carrying the infective larvae will become heartworm positive. Fortunately, heartworm prevention can help you protect your pet from the damage heartworms can do. Treatment of established heartworm disease is not only expensive but

Heartworms in Dogs and Cats

Heartworm is a parasite that all dog and cat owners have to be concerned about. Heartworm infections and heartworm disease are endemic amongst dogs in North Carolina, meaning that they are a widespread and ongoing health concern. Though cats are infected less often than dogs, when they are infected it is most often fatal, so

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