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Integrative Veterinary Medicine Wake County

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A Treat-Free Festive Season Can Help Reduce Your Dog’s Pancreatitis Risk

With Christmas and New Year just a few days away, you’re probably planning your festive season down to the last detail. And whether you’re going away or staying home, if your pets are going to celebrate with you, it’s essential that you plan their menu as carefully as your own. Pancreatitis in dogs is a

Pet Medications – Important Information You Should Know!

By Dr. Jodi Reed, DVM While there are thousands of medications for humans to help cure whatever ails them, there are almost as many for our pets! It is important to understand that all medications can have side effects and interactions with other drugs, so it's critical that before giving your cat or dog any medication you

Service Dogs – Canines on a Mission

Service dogs have helped millions of people achieve independence and lead happy and fulfilling lives. Today we want to honor these special canines by sharing some of the qualities that make some dogs well-suited to serve as assistants to people with disabilities. There are two types of service dogs: assistance dogs and therapy dogs. If

Managing Obesity in Pets

With approximately 52.7% of US dogs categorized as overweight or obese, and 57.9% of US cats, pet obesity is a problem across the nation. Remarkably, most pet owners don't seem to be aware of the problem, according to new research produced by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 2014.   Most pet owners think their obese dog or cat is

Pet Disaster Preparedness Tips

With hurricane season in full swing and winter storms ahead, North Carolina families are encouraged to make a complete disaster preparedness plan that includes supplies and arrangements for your pets. This way, if disaster strikes, every one of your beloved family members stays safe and secure, including your furry companions. Here are 6 critical

The Scoop on Poop: Why Fecal Samples are Important

So you’re on the phone scheduling your furbaby’s wellness visit at the vet, and the receptionist on the other end of the line gives you a homework assignment: bring in a fecal sample from your pet to your appointment. So what now? At Harmony Animal Hospital, we place great importance on the comfort and health

Understanding Canine and Feline Immunizations

Regular vaccinations are one of the most important (and easiest) parts of preventive care that may contribute to a long, healthy life for your furbaby. With a comprehensive animal wellness program that includes an appropriate pet vaccination schedule, your dog or cat can avoid serious or life–threatening illnesses. How Vaccines Work Vaccines help prepare the body's immune

What’s My Pet’s Risk for Rabies…REALLY?

In 2014, there were 352 cases of rabies in the state of North Carolina including numerous cases in dogs and cats, which is why rabies vaccination is so important. At the end of July, a 93-year-old Raleigh man was attacked by a rabid fox. This was the second reported case of rabid wild animals attacking

Canine Influenza (CIV) Outbreak in North Carolina – A Guide for Pet Owners

An outbreak of canine influenza (CIV) in North Carolina has been confirmed by the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. As of July 16, 2015, a total of 3 confirmed cases of canine influenza had been reported to the Department, with an additional 200+ presumptive cases of the disease being treated by veterinarians in

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