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Integrative Veterinary Medicine Wake County

Home/Integrative Veterinary Medicine Wake County

Heart Murmurs: To Be Concerned Or Not?

by Dr. Jodi Reed When doing a thorough physical exam, we sometimes hear heart murmurs in pets. Often, pet parents are worried when we tell them. I want to shed some light on the subject to help navigate through the good, the bad and the ugly regarding heart murmurs. Hearing a heart murmur is

Fat Cats: Helping Your Cat Lose Weight

A recent study about feline obesity in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery found that cats don’t like being on a diet any more than people do!  While not surprising, it is interesting to note the behavior that led to this conclusion. Cats that were switched from free feeding to controlled, calorie-restricted feeding

Pet Arthritis: A Brief Guide

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a common diagnosis in dogs but also occurs quite frequently in cats. It is more common in senior pets, but can be seen in younger pets, especially if there is a history of injury or joint dysplasia. Osteoarthritis is a term describing a syndrome that leads to

8 Facts About Flea and Tick Prevention at Home

As the weather heats up, we become more aware of fleas and ticks. Most of us know how important it is to protect ourselves and our furry friends from these dastardly devils, but here are 8 facts about parasites you might not be aware of. Fact #1: Fleas and Ticks Spread Disease Fleas and ticks

5 Things A Senior Pet Needs

“Everything I know, I learned from dogs”. -Nora Roberts  Did you know that pets age at a different rate than humans? Calculating exactly when a pet enters their senior years can be tricky. In general, experts consider the age of 7 as the threshold into the senior years. However, large dog

How to Keep Fleas and Ticks Off Your Pet – and Why You Should

Fleas and ticks are more than just an itchy nuisance. Left untreated, these pests can actually make your pet sick and even endanger his life. For example, fleas can cause anemia and tapeworms, as well as flea allergy dermatitis, a serious skin condition that leads to severe itching and scratching, hair loss and potential infections.

Protect Your Pets at Halloween with These Handy Tips

Halloween is not always fun for the entire family, especially your furry family members. Take extra precautions to keep your fur babies safe this year as you might find that danger lurks in the shadows in more ways than one on October 31st. So how exactly do you keep your pet out of harm’s way

Raising the Heat: Why Pets and Hot Cars Don’t Mix

“It’s just five minutes.” “It’s not that hot today.” “But I cracked a window.” If you’ve heard (or used) any statements like these to explain leaving a dog inside a locked car, we encourage you to reconsider. That’s because it takes just 10 minutes for the temperature inside a locked car to

Caring for Hearing Impaired Canine Companions

Deafness in dogs (and other forms of hearing impairments) are relatively common, and although they can have a pretty big impact on your furry friend, as a pet parent there’s a lot you can do to help your special dog enjoy a healthy and happy life. Here are some tips for caring for your hearing

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